Tuesday, June 22, 2010

USA-England Pregame

Once we figured out Rustenburg's logistical difficulties, we were in business. We met up with Bill's friend Pudding (hey, he likes dessert) at the Palm Lodge and parked our car in their secure parking lot (foreshadowing).

Despite being England supporters, Pudding, his friend Chris, and their mates were totally cool to a couple of unsophisticated-football-fan Yanks. We joined them for 9 rand Castle Lagers and some pub grub as we prepped for the game. South Korea smashed Greece and Argentina edged Nigeria on the telly while we pondered such profound questions as, "Would you rather the Redskins win the Super Bowl or the USA beat England tonight?" (Redskins, of course. USA winning the whole World Cup would trump a Redskins Super Bowl, however.)

During our conversation, we informed Chris of our plans to drive the 1.5 hours back to Pretoria after the game. He looked at us incredulously and said, "That road is a deathtrap [pronounced dithtrip in his South African accent], I reckon. The miners get off at 11 and like to have a few beers after work. Plus, there will be a lot of traffic police." He then verified this point of view with the bartendress, who looked at us like we were crazy. A little shaken, we decided at that point we would crash on the floor of Pudding and Chris's hotel room. Not comfortable in the least, but at least there would be no brushes with death or Johnny Law.

Pudding and Chris took their huge Cross of St. George flag with them and caught the first wave of buses to the game. We hung around to talk to some straggling American fans and a 43-year-old grandmother while waiting for the second wave.

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